Mount S3 to Mac
I was able to do this with s3fs. It was as simple as this..
$ brew update $ brew install s3fs
Setup your credentials files. You can find this at... > My Security Credentials > Access Keys
echo [Access Id]:[Secret] > ~/s3fspw
Now mount the drive.
#command i used... s3fs brainbitz ~/bbs3/ -o passwd_file=~/s3fspw #is basically s3fs [bucket name] [local directory] -o passwd_file=[password file] #you can debug like this... s3fs brainbitz ~/bbs3/ -o passwd_file=~/s3fspw -d -d -f -o f2 -o curldbg
In case you're curious you can see it added to the local mount configuration like so...
$ s3fs brainbitz ~/bbs3/ -o passwd_file=~/s3fspw $ cd ~/bbs3/ $ ls asdf.txt $ touch qwer.txt $ cd .. $ mount /dev/disk1 on / (hfs, local, journaled) devfs on /dev (devfs, local, nobrowse) map -hosts on /net (autofs, nosuid, automounted, nobrowse) map auto_home on /home (autofs, automounted, nobrowse) s3fs@osxfuse0 on /Users/johnminchuk/bbs3 (osxfuse, nodev, nosuid, synchronous, mounted by johnminchuk) $ umount s3fs@osxfuse0 $ ls ~/bbs3/ $
Bonus Points
Now that you've essentially got an S3 bucket available locally. Why not use rsync to back up to the drive? You could use this command and basically create yourself a poor mans dropbox.
rsync -arv --delete ~/local-photos ~/bbs3