Algorithm Notes
Here's a collection of my notes while attempting to implement some of these solutions myself. I've noted where I was tripped up along the way, and hopefully using these tips, I'll be better prepared to recognize the patters that work.
MergeSort Implementation
First off, understand how it works. A temp array will hold your data as you scan two other arrays to build them up. See this video for more on that. Recursivly splitting an array is a pattern that pops up from time to time and can be useful for many problems. Notice mid + 1 below. The left side is larger on arrays with uneven numbers.
public void sort(int[] arr) { mergeSort(arr, 0, arr.length-1); } private void mergeSort(int[] arr, int start, int end) { if ( start == end) { return; } int mid = ( end - start ) / 2; mid = start + mid; mergeSort(arr, start, mid); mergeSort(arr, mid + 1, end); sortThem(arr, start, end); }
From here I was struggling to do a true mergesort and figured I'd just finish it out with a bubble sort. This is was inefficient, but a good building block to solve with.
private void sortThem(int[] arr, int start, int end) { int runner = start; int[] temp = new int[(end - start) + 1]; for ( int i = start; i <= end; i++ ) { int smallest = arr[i]; int position = i; for ( int x = i; x <=end; x++ ) { if ( arr[x] < smallest ) { smallest = arr[x]; position = x; } } int temper = arr[position]; arr[position] = arr[i]; arr[i] = temper; } }
[33, 23, 54, 13, 84, 23, 87, 42, 39, 84] [13, 23, 23, 33, 39, 42, 54, 84, 84, 87]
Attempt two
Building off the attempt before at this point was much easier. Basically implement the temp array as needed and copy in. I think the loop at the bottom to add the remaining onto the temp is easier to read.
private int[] mergeSort(int[] arr, int start, int end) { if ( start == end) { return new int[]; } int mid = ( end - start ) / 2; mid = start + mid; int[] left = mergeSort(arr, start, mid); int[] right = mergeSort(arr, mid + 1, end); return sortThem(left, right); } private int[] sortThem(int[] left, int[] right) { int[] temp = new int[left.length + right.length]; int ls = 0; int rs = 0; int runner = 0; while ( ls < left.length && rs < right.length ) { if ( left[ls] < right[rs] ) { temp[runner] = left[ls]; ls++; } else { temp[runner] = right[rs]; rs++; } runner++; } //throw what's remaining of left or right array onto temp while (runner < temp.length) { if ( ls < left.length ) { temp[runner] = left[ls]; ls++; } else { temp[runner] = right[rs]; rs++; } runner++; } return temp; }