Technical Interview Quick Study

This page is (and probably always will be) a work in progress.  There's just so damn much to remember for a techincal interview.  Hopefully looking at this quick overview will help quickly bring my brain back up to speed with problems I've solved in the past.


These are my notes I've left for myself when solving these problems.  Little reminders to jog my memory.

Other Guides

Other guides that are good to review

Misc Problems



  • You can grab the last digit of a number like so
    • int value1 = 1234 % 10; // 10 can go into 1234, 123 times, with 4 left over
  • Easily print array like...  Arrays.toString(arr)
  • Save space with Ternary
    • result = testCondition ? value1 : value2
  • More tricks


Day Of

  • If you're stuck, don't be afraid to back up and sit down, it's amazing how fast something can come to you if you change your perspective