Technical Interview Quick Study
This page is (and probably always will be) a work in progress. There's just so damn much to remember for a techincal interview. Hopefully looking at this quick overview will help quickly bring my brain back up to speed with problems I've solved in the past.
These are my notes I've left for myself when solving these problems. Little reminders to jog my memory.
- Cracking the Coding Interview
- Cracking the Coding Interview Chapter 01 Java Solutions - Arrays and Strings
- Cracking the Coding Interview Chapter 02 Java Solutions - Linked Lists
- Cracking the Coding Interview Chapter 03 Java Solutions - Stacks and Queus
- Cracking the Coding Interview Chapter 04 Java Solutions - Trees and Graphs
- Programming Interviews Exposed
Other Guides
Other guides that are good to review
- - guide to algorithms
- lynda - hadoop fundimentals
- Design Patterns
- Trivia style questions
- Brain Teasers
- Java Garbage Collection (coming eventually..)
Misc Problems
- Robot Maze Solution
- Swap values without a temp variable
- Good example of how you just need to try things to find an answer, most people give up, just do SOMETHING!
- Understanding generics and how collections use them
- Understanding base numbering systems (coming soon)
- You can grab the last digit of a number like so
- int value1 = 1234 % 10; // 10 can go into 1234, 123 times, with 4 left over
- Easily print array like... Arrays.toString(arr)
- Save space with Ternary
- result = testCondition ? value1 : value2
- More tricks
- Java is pass-by-value, which really means "pass-by-a-copy" of something. So if you send an object into a method, the method actually recieves a copy of the thing that points to that object.
- But keep in mind primitive types are autoboxed, and assigned a new copy when passed into a method
- See this article for more details and code
- Integer division always rounds down
- Guide to converting recursive functions to iterative and vice versa (coming soon!)
Day Of
- If you're stuck, don't be afraid to back up and sit down, it's amazing how fast something can come to you if you change your perspective