(Book) Quite - Summary and Notes
Here's my summary and notes I took while reading Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking. These are my personal notes so your milage may vary. I thought it was a great read, it helped convince me that I need to find work better suited to my temperment.
- Quite Summary
- America has grown from idolizing character (Abe Lincoln) to extraverts (Tony robins)
- Exs often overpower ins in social and leadership. Sucks but true. It’s how we’re built.
- Real invention and work is done in solitude, open workspaces are counterintuitive
- Nature or nurture? both, but mostly good parenting
- You can design your life for the appropriate amount of stimulation that you need and be happier and more fulfilled.
- Low self monitors can't easily slip into the extro role, high self monitors can I may be high, design your life to get the most from that
- In kids should be allowed to be themselves and gently encouraged to do scary things, (talk to kids, try new things
- Bullets (chronological)
- America has grown from idolizing character (Abe Lincoln) to extraverts (Tony robins)
- Harvard is trained extroversion, also looks, Ivy League look
- Most effective leads are extreme humility coupled with personal will
- Talking leads to action, Martin Luther king jr. Was an extrovert. But quiet resolve has its place too, rosa parks
- Introverts value results, not action
- Exs often overpower ins in social and leadership. Sucks but true. Its how were built
- Woz was alone most of the time while inventing the Mac
- Cramped workplaces produce bad code
- People's brains get dumber in groups
- People with more sensitive amygdala (known as high reactive) are more sensitive to environmental cues
- Nature or nurture? both, but mostly good parenting
- If we have kids that are bad we can put them in productive environments like ice hockey, go be bad there..
- You can design your life for the appropriate amount of stimulation that you need and be happier and more fulfilled
- We seek a balance, too many introverts, need some extroverts
- You get a buzz when being an ext, some are addicted
- Extraverts seek reward, intros the zone. We're not motivated by external rewards, money
- Extv not innately respected. Asian culture admires quiet, extv rude
- Low self monitors can't easily slip into the extro role, high self monitors can I may be high
- What did you want to be when you were young, what makes you jealous in work? Maybe that's where you should be
- An important question to ask. Does this open office layout give me enough room to restore myself, will I have to make up for it on weekdays and weekends?
- Ex and in have fun communicating one on one
- In kids should be allowed to be them selfs and gently encouraged to do scary things, (talk to kids, try new things
- Thoughts
- Working on a close team sounds nice. Am I craving more extroverted lifestyles?
- People need to be invigorated by each other, but strong people battle and that results in conflict
- If i'm too exhausted to go to meetups is that the results of a draining work life?
- "The Purpose Driven Life"
- Myers-Briggs personality test (I scored middle of the road)
- Super churches are very extro, but bring a sense of community, commuinty is important, feel I'm missing it.
- iWoz book
- I need time to focus and community to push me